Earn CPD Points with Esse’s SA-accredited skincare courses

South African skincare brand, Esse, provides stockists with extensive training through its online platform, Esse College, and has also launched a world-first Microbiome Course, which trains dermatologists, medical aestheticians, skin…

All the questions you need answered by Esse!

For the past two decades, we have been producing industry-leading skincare products with significant anti-ageing benefits. With more people choosing brands that believe in sustainability and show real results, we…

Drivers of ageing

Ageing is a natural process of life, with the body undergoing significant changes as the years go by. And while we can’t avoid ageing, we can minimise the impact ageing…

Esse vs. Ageing

Old age is not avoidable. We are all going to get old – the trick is to do it gracefully! Just to be very clear – we aren’t ageist. We…

Experience the anti-ageing benefits of probiotics

South African bio-clinical skincare brand, Esse, is celebrating a significant milestone in 2022 – 20 years of leveraging biotechnology to provide significant anti-ageing benefits through probiotics and other actives in…

What to expect from our rewild challenge

We’re excited for you to take part in our #30dayrewild challenge. We’ve called this a challenge because, like all worthwhile challenges, it’ll require full commitment – rewilding is a lifestyle…

How skin compares to an ecosystem

Any ecologist will tell you that a forest filled with a rich variety of plants is healthier than a commercial plantation containing only one species of tree. The complex ecosystem…